Eighth Theistic Ethics Workshop--CFA
Joshua Thurow | Published on 3/4/2024
Eighth Theistic Ethics Workshop
Georgetown University
September 26-28, 2024
Invited speakers:
Matthew Benton (Seattle Pacific)
Ben Bradley (Syracuse)
Amy Flowerree (Texas Tech)
Meghan Sullivan (Notre Dame)
Christian Miller (Wake Forest)
Those interested in participating should submit an abstract of up to 750 words and a current C.V. to Mark Murphy at Mark.Murphy@georgetown.edu by June 1, 2024. Word or PDF file formats only. Please prepare abstracts for anonymous review. For although the organizers seek to have a balanced program both in terms of topics and presenters, the initial stage of review will be done anonymously. Submitters to a previous year’s workshop, whether successful or unsuccessful, are welcome to apply to this year’s workshop.
For further details, see the conference website.